Satire Project Reflection

     After completing an entire project on homelessness, I can confidently say I've learned a lot about the topic. Choosing homelessness as a topic seemed like an obvious choice. Growing up in New York City, I've become accustomed to seeing homeless people. From subways to city streets, all New Yorkers can attest to how serious the problem of homelessness is. However, too many of us don't see homeless people as actual human beings, but as an annoyance, which is exactly why we chose to do our project on a topic as difficult to address as homelessness. I think this problem exists because of human nature. Since humans are inherently selfish creatures, it can be hard to consider other people's problems important. Though many good and caring people do exist, the goal, though it might seem unrealistic to some, is to get most, or even all, people to care about homelessness as if it was their own situation. 
     At first, I was honestly slightly uncomfortable about making a satirical news report on homeless people. It's a hard topic to do without coming across as offensive or insensitive. That being said, I think we did write a news report that was obviously sarcastic and took enough risks so as to keep our audience engaged. Good satire needs to be risky enough so people will feel uncomfortable enough to pay attention. I believe our project was effective in at least making our audience think about how our society ignores problems that don't fit within their agenda, and this often affects people who need help the most. My contribution to this project was mostly a lot of writing. Since I don't feel comfortable with video editing software, I opted to help write the essay and the live presentation script. I also thought this was the most fitting job for me since the satirical aspects of the writing allowed me to write in a way that showed my personality and way of thinking. 


  1. Hey, your group's presentation was very engaging and knowledgeable. Your group used invective when interviewing the homeless and this satirical device showed how society treats homeless people. I also remember the news reporter talking about the government putting homeless people in jail and how they were jailed because they don't have a home. This topic is noteworthy because it creates a sense of mockery in the government's legacies.

  2. Hi!
    The sarcastic elements in your presentation allowed for the topic to be comprehensible by all. In addition to the humorous tone, your group portrayed the importance of helping the homeless. The script was a vital part of the project and despite your "fears", the project was informational and not offensive at all.
    Nice job!

  3. Hi, I really enjoyed your group's presentation. I particularly thought the incorporation of sarcasm was really clever and it made the presentation interesting. The usage of this satire helped emphasize on how cruel people can be when it comes to social issues like homelessness. I thought the presentation flowed really well and the satire and irony did not seemed overused. There were many clever statements that caught by attention such as "you can honor them one day out of the year (Veteran's Day) and ignore them during the rest." This was very real and ironic, but it's surprising how true it is in our society.


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