Lucia Pizzorno
AP English Language

Speaker: Lucia Pizzorno, a student and daily commuter who uses the MTA.
I chose this because I thought it’d be easier to write from my point of view, as opposed to
trying to put myself in someone else’s shoes.
Audience: Other students who are frustrated by the MTA.
I chose this audience because I can relate to them, which means it was easier to establish
Purpose: To encourage others to take action against the MTA.
I chose this purpose because it’s something I think is important. If no one speaks up,
nothing will change.
Subject: The MTA
My subject is something I have a lot of experience with and that I can confidently speak

Good morning fellow students. My name is Lucia Pizzorno and today I’d like to discuss something I know most of us wish we could have more of a say in: the MTA. As students, most of us know the daily struggle of waiting for a bus in the morning and being late or even missing classes because of things like disorganized bus schedules and overcrowded buses. Trust me, I know how you feel. Just last week I wasn’t able to attend my first period class after waiting at the bus stop for an hour. While most of us complain about the MTA to no avail, I’d like to ask you all to consider something. What are you doing to fix these problems? For most of us in this room, the answer is nothing. Did you know that over 3 million New Yorkers are late to work everyday because of bus shortages? This is a staggering number, but even more shocking is the number of these people that will go on to file a complaint against the MTA. Only 4% of New Yorkers who admitted to feeling that the MTA was inadequate actually did anything to help. How can we fix this?

I’d like you all to think about the last time you were late because of public transport. Just for a second, consider all the other students who stood with you at the bus stop and were also late. Think about the older woman who was not able to get to her appointment on time, or the businessman who will be punished at his job through no fault of his own. Think of your own peers, missing out on academic opportunities because of the MTA. These are the people who we must work together to help. Calling the MTA complaint line or emailing them can make a difference. If enough of us took action, we could ensure a better future for each other, or at the very least, buses that run smoothly.


  1. Hi Lucy ! Your speech was very informative and persuading . You established logos with the statistics you have provided by stating how over 3 million New Yorkers are late to work due to bus shortages as New York is driven by MTA and many people rely on it. I also liked how you established pathos in your work. I liked your writing style as you included it towards everyone and it really got me to think, and your last sentence was powerful.

  2. Hi Lucy :D! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog, it was relatable, informative, and intriguing. I believe you were able to establish ethos, logos, and pathos effectively all throughout your blog entry. You were able to connect with the audience by providing an anecdote that they were able to relate to, this developed ethos and pathos. In addition, logos was established with the use of various statistics and data. I liked the topic you chose, and how you were able to make it interesting along with providing a substantial amount of evidence.


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