AP Exam Reflection
The AP exam was exactly what I expected it to be. Annoying, boring, etc. I was starving, like honestly STARVING. Not eating breakfast was not a smart decision on my part but I was too rushed to eat breakfast in the morning because I stayed up super late the night before and snoozed my alarm (not smart decision #2). The desk made my back hurt. The questions were so irritating. I was probably just grumpy because I was hungry but I literally rolled my eyes at PaRk YoUr CarCasS. All in all, it wasn’t so bad. Not so good either. Just okay. I can’t discuss the questions because I’m not a felon and I follow rules. Summing up my experience: Hate the College Board with a passion. In response to an irrelevant blog that shaded me: I revived you like eight times — tragic.